The Farr Brew Wellbeing policy….

Farr Brew is committed to ensuring the wellbeing and care of all employees.

It is recognised that work has an impact on the mental and physical health of employees, and we are committed to making that a positive commitment

Effective employee wellbeing will be achieved by:

● encouraging employees to seek work-life balance

● encouraging employee fitness

● promoting dignity at work

● minimising the stressful impacts of work

● managing sickness absence effectively.

Work-life Balance

● Employees must note that whilst hospitality can be a pressurised environment, it is important to have adequate breaks/downtime between shifts, raise with a manager if you are feeling under pressure and to always ask for help should a shift become difficult.

● Employees who work part time will be encouraged to attend team briefings. To achieve this, the timing of team briefings will vary to cover the different working patterns of employees.

Promoting Healthy Options

● Meal options whilst on shift - there are always vegetarian & healthy meals subsidised for employees to eat whilst they are on shift. It is important that

● Promote healthy eating. There will always be fruit in the kitchen of each establishment, which is subsidised.

Encouraging Employee Fitness

● Whilst it is acknowledged that exercise when on your feet on a busy shift happens naturally, we want to promote an active lifestyle overall.

● From time to time, events will be arranged for employees to participate in fitness activities.

● It is aimed to arrange at least one charity fitness event each year [ie Race for Life etc], with similar events taking place throughout the year.

Promoting Dignity at Work

Farr Brew believes that all employees should be able to work without fear of being harassed or distressed by their colleagues, customers or other contacts in the workplace.

● Any employee who is distressed by events at work and believes that their dignity has been violated or they have suffered harassment should talk to their line manager. This will be addressed in confidence.

● If it is not appropriate to speak to the line manager, employees should speak to HR.

● The organisation will promptly add to investigate any allegations of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace.

● The organisation will support employees in getting over any distress that has been caused.

● Employees who harass colleagues, or engage in otherwise upsetting behaviour, could be subject to disciplinary action.

Minimising the Stressful Impacts of Work

● Employees are not expected to be consistently working hours longer than their standard shift times [events understandably can run over and are not a regular occurrence].

● If employees find that they are regularly needing to work longer shifts they must discuss this with their line manager to try to find a solution.

● Managers/Supervisors and above with email access, are not expected to check emails from home/into the evenings. Should work begin impeding personal time, please speak to a Director.

● Farr Brew will always take steps to cover the absence of colleagues, without putting undue demands on other employees.

● If employees are struggling to cope with the demands of their job they should discuss this with their line manager.